Live Action Role Play to Increase Youth Active Citizenship (LARPIC)
Main goal
As part of the dynamic driven by the French presidency of the European Union on the subjects of digital technology and youth, Vivier de Projets Numériques is a European project coordinated by Animafac and co-constructed with the Action Médias Jeunes association ( Belgium), EPMA (Czech Republic) and HelloAsso (France).
Its aim is to generate, equip and support the development of new digital projects with a positive impact by young people. These projects may fall into different areas: culture, environment, solidarity, media, etc. Thus, the project promotes and facilitates the development of new initiatives led by young people in the digital field, which is currently little invested in by young people. It specifically aims to develop initiatives with a positive impact.
Project Outputs
Concretely, VPN aims to develop tools and training to meet these objectives. It is thus composed of five intellectual productions making it possible to provide young people with all the tools necessary to carry out their projects.
- Tutorials to create digital projects without coding (application, website, online event, media and video games )
- A guide to digital project management
- A series of videos on societal digital issues
- A guide to good practices to encourage the spread of digital projects
An interactive questionnaire to guide young people towards platforms certifying digital skills
To these productions were also added training which took place in Prague (Czech Republic) in 2023 and various dissemination events throughout the project from October 2021 to October 2023, i.e. a duration of 2 years.