Live Action Role Play to Increase Youth Active Citizenship (LARPIC)
Main goal
The objective of the project is to motivate young people to partake in active citizenship and civic engagement. The project will create a tool for teachers and youth workers to empower young people to know the power of their voice and bring about change in their community, country, EU and the world.
LARPIC also aims to support development of 21st century skills through various non-formal education methods.
Project Outputs
- Live Action Role Play (LARP) “Citizens”
- A guide and visual materials on how to perform LARP in school and out-of-school environments
What is a LARP?
– LARP is a role-playing game where participants physically portray characters in a fictional environment.
– LARP allows participants to experience real experiences while being in a safe game environment.
– Participants can develop the skills and competencies that make LARP a great experiential learning tool.
For more information about LARP and its use in education, you can check out our blog.
Mini LARP download
The mini LARP developed within our project serves as a dynamic and attractive experiential learning tool. Mini LARP challenges players to cooperate, negotiate, communicate, make decisions and act, developing their skills in a fun and safe game environment.
The game is intended for a group of 8-16 players (approximately over 15 years old) and lasts approximately 90-120 minutes.
All the available materials you need to play the game can be downloaded below – the exact description of the game, the scenario, character cards and other additional materials.
Czech Version
English Version
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